Friday, October 9, 2009


Nearly every morning as I get myself ready to face my day I do two things: 1) I listen to some sort of recording—my areas of interest range anywhere from talks on yoga, meditation, Buddhist thought, and most recently, art--as I apply my makeup and 2) I jot down notes on a pad of paper. My notes range anywhere from a simple list of things I need to do to some gem that peeks my interest as I listen to that day’s talk. By the way, whoever invented the podcast has my full gratitude and appreciation! At any rate, the morning before I started to read chapter 3 of “The Joy Diet” I jotted this down, “what do you want your day to be?” and “protect your time.” In other words, I really wanted to get to the heart of what a meaningful day in my life would look like and how to treat it as sacred. A few hours later I began to read Martha Beck’s chapter on desire. Interesting, as I actually had not looked ahead to this week’s chapter.
So far I have been working on getting quiet, learning how to rework the stories I tell myself, and now examining what it is I really, really want--what sparks a “quickening” in my belly and a longing in my heart. I know I want to make things with my hands. I want to blend colors and shapes into something beautiful and for that to happen I think a bit of my soul must be embedded in the paint, gel medium, charcoal, or paper. I’m only just beginning, but I long from somewhere deep, deep within to translate that longing, that emotion, into something tangible. It is my deepest desire.
My thanks to Kelly Rae Roberts for her book, "Taking Flight" where I am learning techniques such as the one which I have posted. I smile every time I look at her work and then mine...what a long way I have to go--and that's OK!


  1. This is a beautiful piece of art -- and I love that you are satisfying that longing and feeling the quickening -- that you are following your desire. Great idea for jotting things down too...a good tip and I thank you for that!

  2. This is such a beautiful post - I am so glad you are finding your way to what your desires are :)

  3. The art work is beautiful. And so are you words.

  4. Thank you for sharing this beautiful post. I love the way that you start your day. It is such a wonderful routine.

  5. What a great morning ritual you have. Yes, podcasts are such a wonderful invention - we can travel to worlds of ideas in such a wonderful medium.

  6. May your deepest desires translate into something magically tangible! :) Love the painting! :)

  7. Thanks for sharing your art and your thoughts about desire!

  8. What a beautiful creation... no need to compare it to Kelly's... yours is YOURS. Uniquely and unequivocably YOURS.

    And what a wonderful way to begin your day! :)

  9. Thank you for sharing your journey with desire this week. Love your art piece, it is beautiful just as it is.
