Wednesday, August 1, 2012

What do you wish to experience?

Today Jamie Ridler asks, "What do you wish to experience?"  I gave this some real thought, but to be honest, my response could have been very different.  Not necessarily superficial, but not something that I truly need to experience in my life.  Let me tell you what happened.  Last September I came home from work to find that my home had been burglarized.  I live in the suburbs where it’s safe. Hey, I’ve lived in this area all my life.  It’s quiet, probably dull, and I have never felt fearful.  Until now.  Now every car that slows or stops in front of my home is suspect, as are the joggers, bicycle riders, and random noises—squeaks and creaks that any 50 year old house might make.  I am afraid and have been since the police left my house 11 months ago.   My fear isn’t as intense as it was, but it is with me every day.  My wish is to once again experience the feeling of being safe in one’s own space. 

Ok, I’d like to experience a live workshop with Flora Bowley too!  There’s one in Wisconsin, which isn’t too far from me coming up this fall, but it’s sold out and I’m on the wait list.  I’d love to get in!  By the way, Jamie just interviewed Flora on her podcast!  Thanks Jamie!


  1. My heart goes out to you sweetheart - feeling safe is such a necessity and my dearest wish is for you to experience that feeling of safety and security without fear as soon as possible.

    As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you also x

  2. ::huggles:: I was just talking about this sort of thing in therapy - the need to feel at home in your own space and I know how it feels when, for whatever reason, it's not there. As you wish for yourself, so I truly wish for you also.

  3. What a horrible experience that must've been. There are some interesting tips here if they might be helpful:

    I like the idea of some kind of cleaning / energy-shifting ritual for your home.

    As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you also.

  4. The stress and anxiety that linger after any trauma are so difficult to dispel. With my whole heart, I wish that you feel safe, relaxed, at ease, protected.

  5. Feeling safe in your own home is something that should be guaranteed. So, as you wish for yourself, I also fervently wish for you!

  6. What a stressful experience. Hope you can go past it with a new one where you feel safe.
    As Marian wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

  7. Wow... {{{HUGS}}} Everyone deserves a safe place... As you wish for yourself, so too do I wish for you...

  8. Safe love and light coming your way!

    As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you!

  9. Hi Marian,
    I spotted your painting on Beth's DWYL site and fell in love with it. This is the painting from Flora's class. Poppies and portraits combined. . . so wonderful. Your colors are wonderful. I was also drawn to your name as Ostrowski is my grandparents' name, my mother's maiden name. Both grandparents have passed away, but I dream of digging into their heritage more one day. I visited your blog and spent some time reading and felt we had more of a connection with our lives, loving yoga, creativity and overcoming fear. I'm doing Flora's ecourse in January, but would also so love to learn from her in person. And Wisconsin is just not that far away. :-)

    Shari :-)
